
The Winery

The front of our winery building, with prime parking for the tractor.

Our winery building is where all the magic happens. The building itself was designed by our vintner Dominic. Construction was completed in 1992.

Our interior – you can look over the ledge to see the means of production.

People often ask if this used to be a church. It wasn’t, but there was a church who liked the design so much they asked Dominic for the blueprints.

“Sure,” he said. So maybe folks should be asking churches if they were ever a winery.

Dominic & friends digging the foundation and making a photo effect using the sun reflecting off of a shovel. See, this is how we lived back in the day without fancy cellphone cameras and Photoshop.
The bones of the building going up. A couple of Amish fellas came with the beams and put them up using nothing but rope. Unbelievable.
Putting a little meat on those bones.

To learn more about the history of the property, check out Our Roots.