Jim Thorpe Wine Trail
Jim Thorpe Wine Trail | Wineries Near Jim Thorpe | Vineyard Locations | Pet Friendly Locations | Wineries with Breweries | Wineries with Distilleries | Wineries with Meaderies | Wineries with Cideries | Wine Trail Brochures
We hope this map of wineries in Jim Thorpe will help you plan the perfect trip in our Historic District. We’ve also included wineries near Jim Thorpe (under a 30 minute drive away) in case you feel like exploring.
If you have the time and inclination to explore further, check out our Pocono Wine Trail for a wider radius of options.
Map Legend
4 — Tasting Room
3 — Vineyard
2 — Pet Friendly
1 — Brewery
0 — Distillery
6 — Meadery
5 — Cidery
Jim Thorpe Wine Map
Jim Thorpe Wine Trail
All locations are located within the Historic District of Jim Thorpe and are within walking distance of one another.
These are numbered in purple on the map.
1. Big Creek Vineyard – Jim Thorpe
Address: 41 Susquehanna St, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Website: bigcreekvineyard.com/jimthorpe
Phone Number: 570-325-8138
2. Stonekeep Meadery
Address: 77 Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Website: stonekeepmeadery.com
Phone Number: 570-369-0573
3. Wild Elder Wine & Cider Co.
Address: 76 Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Website: wildelder.com
Phone Number: 570-732-9933
Wineries Near Jim Thorpe
Within a 30 minute drive of the Historic District of Jim Thorpe.
These are numbered in green on the map.
1. Big Creek Vineyard
Address: 120 Keller Rd, Kunkletown, PA 18058
Website: bigcreekvineyard.com
Phone Number: 610-681-3959
2. Cellar Beast Winehouse
4 3 5 2
Address: 139 Ash Cir, Andreas, PA 18211
Website: cellarbeastwine.com
Phone Number: 484-613-2136
3. Galen Glen Winery
4 3
Address: 255 Winter Mountain Drive Andreas, PA 18211
Website: galenglen.com
Phone Number: 570-386-3682
4. Radical Wine Company
4 2
Address: 511 Mahoning Dr E, Lehighton, PA 18235
Website: radicalwineco.com
Phone Number: 610-365-7969
5. Soaked Winery
4 2
Address: 567 Blue Mountain Dr, Walnutport, PA 18088
Website: soakedwinery.com
Phone Number: 610-760-3339
6. Stone Lake Winery
4 6 2
Address: 8281 PA-873, Slatington, PA 18080
Website: stonelakeinnandwinery.com
Phone Number: 570-992-7025
Vineyard Locations
1. Big Creek Vineyard
Address: 120 Keller Rd, Kunkletown, PA 18058
Website: bigcreekvineyard.com
Phone Number: 610-681-3959
2. Cellar Beast Winehouse
4 3 5 2
Address: 139 Ash Cir, Andreas, PA 18211
Website: cellarbeastwine.com
Phone Number: 484-613-2136
3. Galen Glen Winery
4 3
Address: 255 Winter Mountain Drive Andreas, PA 18211
Website: galenglen.com
Phone Number: 570-386-3682
Pet Friendly Locations
1. Big Creek Vineyard
Address: 120 Keller Rd, Kunkletown, PA 18058
Website: bigcreekvineyard.com
Phone Number: 610-681-3959
2. Cellar Beast Winehouse
4 3 5 2
Address: 139 Ash Cir, Andreas, PA 18211
Website: cellarbeastwine.com
Phone Number: 484-613-2136
4. Radical Wine Company
4 2
Address: 511 Mahoning Dr E, Lehighton, PA 18235
Website: radicalwineco.com
Phone Number: 610-365-7969
5. Soaked Winery
4 2
Address: 567 Blue Mountain Dr, Walnutport, PA 18088
Website: soakedwinery.com
Phone Number: 610-760-3339
2. Stonekeep Meadery
Address: 77 Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Website: stonekeepmeadery.com
Phone Number: 570-369-0573
6. Stone Lake Winery
4 6 2
Address: 8281 PA-873, Slatington, PA 18080
Website: stonelakeinnandwinery.com
Phone Number: 570-992-7025
3. Wild Elder Wine & Cider Co.
Address: 76 Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Website: wildelder.com
Phone Number: 570-732-9933
Wineries with Breweries
There are no wineries with breweries in this region. There are, however, two breweries in Jim Thorpe:
Bright Path Brewing
Address: 1215 North St
Website: brightpathbrewing.square.site
Phone Number: 570-732-9990
Hairy Guys Brewing
Address: 204 Center St.
Website: hairyguysbrewing.com
Phone Number: 610-714-7441
Wineries with Distilleries
There are no wineries with distilleries in this region, but there is a distillery:
Nomad Distilling Co.
Address: 201 N Main Lane in Lehighton
Website: nomaddistilling.co
Phone Number: 570-732-9922
Wineries with Meaderies
2. Stonekeep Meadery
Address: 77 Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Website: stonekeepmeadery.com
Phone Number: 570-369-0573
Wineries with Cideries
2. Cellar Beast Winehouse
4 3 5 2
Address: 139 Ash Cir, Andreas, PA 18211
Website: cellarbeastwine.com
Phone Number: 484-613-2136
3. Wild Elder Wine & Cider Co.
Address: 76 Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Website: wildelder.com
Phone Number: 570-732-9933
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